Posts Tagged ‘meditation’

The Relaxation Response

I hope this message finds you safe and healthy. The time of the year when many reinvigorate their thirst to learn and restore the daily rhythms of life is upon us (also called September or Autumn).

Like you, I have been spending a lot more time than usual at home. I have been lucky to be able to continue teaching meditation by offering the Deep Meditation course to beginners, as well as supporting those of you who already have an established practise. I am feeling very grateful for the readiness of a lot of new students, as well as for technologies which allow us to connect despite our distancing.

May I entice you to attend my free online introduction to Deep Meditation on Wednesday September 9th? It is the preparatory step for taking the course on a private basis. I will be talking about the mechanisms, the origins, and the relaxation response meditation induces, which is key to this method.

While I have your attention, allow me to also tell you about the benefits of rest as shown through many scientific studies of Deep Meditation, and the effects on both your mind and body. Let me share with you the most important results from Deep Meditation:

  • Managing heart and respiratory rate
  • Reduce risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Decreases inflammatory disorders and cellular-level inflammation
  • Regulation of mood and anxiety disorders
  • Reduced stress and anxiety in general.

One of the main benefits of meditation has to do with the quality of sleep. The main benefits of restful sleep are:

  • Increased cognitive function
  • Better mood
  • Lower risk of anxiety and depression
  • Improves performance, alertness and productivity.

Meditation also increases grey matter concentration in the brain, which is involved in learning and memory, regulating emotions, sense of self (self awareness), and having perspective. It improves focus and attention, information processing and decision-making, gives mental strength, and emotional intelligence. Meditation helps in making us less susceptible to pain, and builds resilience. It fosters creativity and coming up with new ideas. It also manages sleeping disorders by creating a state of deep rest in both body (nervous system) and mind, helping you fall and stay asleep more easily.

So here we are, not only living with the insecurity of how much longer the coronavirus situation will last, but going through a period that might be an opportunity to learn how to take deeper care of yourself and become more resilient.

Are you ready to bring a relaxing and effortless meditation practise and its great benefits into your life? If your answer is ‘yes!’, please contact me to register for this free upcoming webinar on Zoom.

I hope to see you on Wednesday September 9th at 4PM Pacific Time (ou 7PM ET – heure de l’est)!