Posts by Nathalie
The Relaxation Response

I hope this message finds you safe and healthy. The time of the year when many reinvigorate their thirst to learn and restore the daily rhythms of life is upon us (also called September or Autumn).
Like you, I have been spending a lot more time than usual at home. I have been lucky to be able to continue teaching meditation by offering the Deep Meditation course to beginners, as well as supporting those of you who already have an established practise. I am feeling very grateful for the readiness of a lot of new students, as well as for technologies which allow us to connect despite our distancing.
May I entice you to attend my free online introduction to Deep Meditation on Wednesday September 9th? It is the preparatory step for taking the course on a private basis. I will be talking about the mechanisms, the origins, and the relaxation response meditation induces, which is key to this method.
While I have your attention, allow me to also tell you about the benefits of rest as shown through many scientific studies of Deep Meditation, and the effects on both your mind and body. Let me share with you the most important results from Deep Meditation:
- Managing heart and respiratory rate
- Reduce risk of heart disease and stroke
- Reduces blood pressure
- Decreases inflammatory disorders and cellular-level inflammation
- Regulation of mood and anxiety disorders
- Reduced stress and anxiety in general.
One of the main benefits of meditation has to do with the quality of sleep. The main benefits of restful sleep are:
- Increased cognitive function
- Better mood
- Lower risk of anxiety and depression
- Improves performance, alertness and productivity.
Meditation also increases grey matter concentration in the brain, which is involved in learning and memory, regulating emotions, sense of self (self awareness), and having perspective. It improves focus and attention, information processing and decision-making, gives mental strength, and emotional intelligence. Meditation helps in making us less susceptible to pain, and builds resilience. It fosters creativity and coming up with new ideas. It also manages sleeping disorders by creating a state of deep rest in both body (nervous system) and mind, helping you fall and stay asleep more easily.
So here we are, not only living with the insecurity of how much longer the coronavirus situation will last, but going through a period that might be an opportunity to learn how to take deeper care of yourself and become more resilient.
Are you ready to bring a relaxing and effortless meditation practise and its great benefits into your life? If your answer is ‘yes!’, please contact me to register for this free upcoming webinar on Zoom.
I hope to see you on Wednesday September 9th at 4PM Pacific Time (ou 7PM ET – heure de l’est)!
7 Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Sleep
Healthy sleep cleans the brain!

Do you want to know about 7 effective Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Sleep? According to Ayurveda, calming and soothing the nervous system is a requirement for the maintenance and balancing of one’s health. There are numerous time-tested strategies to reset the ability of our nervous system to better “rest and digest”. Sleep is one of the pillars of Ayurveda, and is considered to be as important as diet in maintaining health and balance in the body. Sleep is the time when the body is able to repair and heal itself. The mind and emotions also become balanced through sleep.
In this article, I am excited to share with you the following seven tips that will help you maintain and return to experiencing sound sleep on a regular basis.
1. Stick to a sleep schedule
2. Exercise daily but not too late in the day
3. Eat a lighter dinner and avoid snacking in the evening
4. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants
5. Meditate at the end of your working day
6. Avoid artificial bright light and blue-light prior to sleep
7. Sleep in a dark room
Stress of all kinds can have a negative impact on one’s quality and quantity of sleep. When the nervous system is overwhelmed or under excessive stress, you may experience difficulty to fall asleep and remain asleep for long periods of time.
A lot happens in your body while you sleep. As you get older, you sleep more lightly and get less deep sleep. Aging is also linked to shorter time spans of sleep, although studies show you still need as much sleep as when you were younger. The NREM and REM phases alternate naturally during sleep state. During a state of sleep called NREM, or non-rapid eye movement, the body repairs and regrows tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system. REM stands for rapid eye movement and it is during this cycle when dreams typically occur. Both cycles are imperative for cleansing the brain of toxin and plaque-like protein, as well as the rebooting of your memory and unleashing of your creativity, among many other benefits.
Excessive stress, which seems the lot for many of us in today’s fast-pace technological culture, can easily overwhelm, breakdown and prematurely age the body and with it its capacity to fall and stay asleep at night.
I invite you to practise and develop at least 4 of the following strategies on a daily basis to support the optimal functioning of your brain, your cardiovascular health, your mood and cognitive functions, and at the same time your natural ability to sleep.
#1. Sleep – Stick to a sleep schedule
As part of re-connecting ourselves to the natural circadian rhythms, getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night is key for the rejuvenation and detox of the nervous system, which happens while we sleep! Recent scientific studies note that it matters when we get to sleep. According to Ayurveda the best quality of sleep happens between 10PM and 2AM, it is hence recommended to get to bed before or around 10PM. Getting up at the same time every day, ideally between 6 and 7AM (after 7-8 hours of sleep), will also support a healthy daylight cycle.
#2. Exercise daily but not too late in the day
While exercising make sure you practise deep nasal breathing. It will help your brain and central nervous system to detox. It is preferable to not exercise two to three hours prior to sleep simply because this will likely stimulate your ability to stay awake and be alert, hence reduce your chances to fall sleep promptly.
#3. Eat a lighter dinner and avoid snacking in the evening
A big dinner may make you temporarily drowsy but will prolong digestion, which interferes with a good night’s sleep. It is best to eat your biggest meal at noon or lunchtime and have a lighter evening meal that includes some protein: chicken, fish, or a vegetarian complete protein (lentils, beans, dairy, etc.). This will not only support the quality of your sleep but will help curb snack attacks.
#4. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants
Caffeinated beverages and other stimulants include coffee, tea, energy drinks, most soft drinks, and chocolate. If you have a history of insomnia reducing these foods is imperative. In addition, avoid alcoholic drinks before bed. They may give you an experience of relaxation and even help you falling asleep, but alcohol creates heat in the body and will prevent your from staying asleep. The body requires a certain range of temperature to fall and remain asleep and will wake you up when too hot.
#5. Meditate at the end of your working day
When the Vata dosha is at its peak, sometime around 4PM (or anytime between 2:30 and 5:30PM) the body needs a reboot. Meditating at this time of day, prior to dinner, will allow excess fatigue and stress to be released. This great habit will prepare you to enjoy a stress-free evening and will support the ability of your nervous system to sleep soundly.
#6. Avoid artificial bright light and blue-light prior to sleep
Bright and blue lights stimulate the brain, telling it to wake up. Unfortunately, most of our modern electronic devices emit a lot of bright, blue light, which is a leading cause of sleep difficulties. It is challenging to avoid the technological habits we have developed, and this may require some gradual implementation. However, avoid your technology at least 2 to 3 hours prior to sleep. Chill out, go out for a stroll, or do something playful after dinner. Be creative!
#7. Sleep in a dark room
In case this is not already a habit of yours, turn off and leave all electronic devices out of your bedroom. Try reducing the use of alarms, snooze buttons and any other distractions that prevent you from falling asleep, remaining asleep, and awakening naturally in the morning.
I sincerely hope this article will help you get back to optimal health respecting your own constitution, personality, lifestyle, and long-acquired habits. When natural sleep occurs regularly, all other aspects of your life are enhanced: clarity of mind, appropriate level of energy, improved memory, healthy weight, and feeling happy.
Ayurveda is a holistic medicine system that has been working for thousands of years and brings immediate benefits. Do not hesitate to contact me for a personal consultation.
If you’d like to learn more and deepen your knowledge about Ayurveda, apply its principles into your daily life, improve your sleeping and eating habits, consider taking this upcoming course, Ayurveda: Live Well, Age Well. The next 30-hour training is this September 30th to Oct 4th at Semperviva’s Sea Studio on Granville Island.
7 Habits to Calm and Soothe your Mind and Nervous System
Stress of all kinds can have a negative impact on one’s health. When the nervous system is overwhelmed or under excess stress, a healthy body is able to adapt and compensate but only for short periods of time. Excessive stress, which seems the lot for many of us in today’s culture, can easily overwhelm, breakdown and prematurely age the body.
According to Ayurveda, the nervous system is governed by vata, which is made up of air and ether. As both air and ether are light, dry, quick and moving, they have qualities similar to the nervous system. Too much cold, too much movement or too much stress will aggravate vata and strain the nervous system. Interestingly, the seat of vata is in the large intestine.
New research has found that the large intestine is the home of trillions of beneficial bacteria that make up the microbiome. These bacteria comprise about 90% of the cells in the human body. When under stress, whether it is mental, emotional or physical, the microbes in the intestinal tract sense and react, sending emergency alarm messages to the central nervous system, to the brain, which then sends messages to every cell of the body.
Understanding the mechanisms of stress from an ayurvedic perspective allows us to use effective strategies to soothe and calm the nervous system. Many of these ancient methods are incredibly simple, amazingly effective and acknowledged by science.
For example, meditation, yoga and breathing exercises or even a hike in the woods can be perceived as a calming trigger by the intestinal microbiology, which will deliver a message of peace and calm to the brain, central nervous system and, ultimately, every cell of the body.
Engaging in these rejuvenative practices which calm the nervous system and support the health of the intestinal tract and its microbiology are proven practices in Ayurveda.
Studies suggest that a strong digestive ability delivers nutrients to the small and large intestines, enhancing the proliferation of healthy, beneficial microbes that support immunity, neurotransmitter manufacturing and direct messaging to the brain regarding the state of emergency, or lack thereof.
7 Strategies to Calm and Soothe your Mind and Nervous System
#1. Meditation
Meditation has been shown in numerous studies to rebuild, support, and strengthen the nervous system. Research has shown that meditation can increase the length of the telomeres (the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes) in the body, which are linked to optimal health and longevity.
#2. Yoga
One of the most effective way to exercise is the practise of the Sun Salutation with a combination of deep nasal breathing in conjunction with a series of flexion and extension yoga postures that support the body’s flexibility and strength.
This combination has been found to support the flow of the cerebral spinal fluid, which both lubricates and washes the brain and central nervous system. Aging is associated with a 50% reduction in production and flow of cerebrospinal fluid in otherwise healthy individuals.
#3. Nature Therapy
According to Ayurveda, getting outside and being in nature increases ojas in the body. Ojas is the substance in the body that is believed to be responsible for vitality, immunity, and a radiant and glowing complexion.
It is hard to ignore the peace and calm that exists in the natural world. Many people use nature, a hike in the woods, running, camping, downhill and cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or backpacking as sources of exercise, but they are also excellent for peace of mind.
#4. Daily Massage
Studies show that when you give yourself a massage with attention, give someone else a massage, or hug, touch or care for another in a loving way, the longevity and health-promoting hormone, oxytocin, is released.
Ayurveda suggests giving yourself a daily oil massage, which can be done either before or during a shower. The oil is traditionally blended with herbs which act as a natural food supply for the microbes that live on your skin.
#5. Seasonal Foods
A new science interested in circadian rhythms has discovered that the microbes in the soil change from one season to the next. These microbes are attracted to certain plants which grow in each season. Warmer, heavier, high-protein and high-fat foods are harvested in the winter. These heavier foods are naturally balancing and supportive for the central nervous system at this time.
Eating seasonal foods is a very logical dietary strategy, and understanding the value of seasonal foods motivates us to reconnect to nature, a fundamental in Ayurveda. Warming, high-protein, and high-fat foods are the perfect antidote to the cold, dryness and nervous system over-stimulation that occurs during winter.
#6: Eating Relaxed
According to Ayurveda, how, when and what you eat all play a role in supporting the nervous system and the ability to stay calm. Eating in a relaxed manner activates the calming and soothing parasympathetic nervous system, while eating on the run or under stress activates the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system.
Make it a point to plan ahead for meals so that you have enough time to relax, dine and enjoy the process of eating your food. This is best done without distractions such as TV, smartphones, reading or driving. Calming music or conversation is best.
#7. Sleep – Early To Bed, Early To Rise
As part of re-connecting ourselves to the natural circadian rhythms, getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night is key for the rejuvenation and detox of the nervous system; which happens while we sleep! New science is also suggesting that it matters when we get to sleep. According to Ayurveda the best quality of sleep happens between 10PM and 2AM, it is hence recommended to get to bed before or around 10PM.
If you’d like to learn more and deepen your knowledge about Ayurveda, apply its principles into your daily life, improve your eating habits, and implement other strategies for optimal health, consider studying with me. My next 30-hour program is on April 15-19 at Semperviva’s Sea Studio.
How do you eat?
The first and foremost strategy for digesting all the food you like to eat, as well as losing weight, is to simply change how you eat. While eating and drinking quickly, while walking or driving in the car, while standing up or while being distracted by your electronic devices or TV, may all seem benign and harmless, the microbiome that live inside of your gut cannot perform its duty correctly under these conditions. Poor digestion, anxiety, and weight gain are the results of these poor habits, which too many of us have adopted in recent years.
Relaxing, or simply sitting for 10-15 minutes, while you eat activates the “rest-and-digest” parasympathetic nervous system and is a key strategy for healthy digestion. During your meals, turn off technologies and other distractions: relax, chew slowly, and enjoy your meal.
Is this what your day looks like: breakfast – snack – lunch – snack – dinner – maybe another snack? If so, when will your body get a chance to process and complete a digestion cycle? When can it burn its own fat? Burning fat is a very slow process. With five, six meals a day, your body is being fed constantly. Why would it bother to metabolize its fat?
Three meals a day, including a light dinner, or two meals a day if you want to burn more fat, show significant improvements in energy, lower body weight, liver fat content reduction, decreased insulin resistance, and better pancreatic blood sugar regulation. Following this guideline and avoiding snacks in between meals, your body will be forced to burn fat during the day, and throughout the night, which is when the elimination part of the digestive process is happening.
Ayurveda teaches that the body is best able to digest a large amount of food during the middle of the day when the sun is the highest in the sky. Eating big at lunchtime will curb afternoon sugar cravings and reduce the risk of overeating at dinner. If you wish to lose weight, studies have showed that eating more calories at night will predispose the body to greater risk of obesity. Also, newly published circadian medicine research has now confirmed that our cell’s biological clocks are tuned to digest best at breakfast and lunch (not dinner!) and rejuvenate during the evening and night.
Another wholesome digestion strategy is to eat more fibre. Ancient humans ate five times as much fibre as we do! Fibre is crucial to escorting your bile, which carries bad fats and toxins, to the toilet. If you do not have enough fibre in your diet, most of the toxic bile and bad fats are reabsorbed back into the liver, entangling the body with unwanted toxic fat. Remember to add fibre to your meals, every day.
To help boost digestive strength, drink a large glass of lemon water 15-30 minutes before meals. If you have difficulty with wheat (gluten) and dairy, instead of tossing these food groups out the window, have a pinch of salt and ginger root about 10-15 minutes before a meal.
This last tip is an excellent way to not only get rid of ‘ama’ (food that hasn’t been digested by the fire element), while keeping your digestive system working optimally. Sip warm or room temperature water throughout the day, from the moment you wake up until late afternoon. If you spend a lot of sitting time at a desk, use your favourite cup and keep the water warm—it will make you get up once in a while to move a bit, and refill.
Note: Ama is a residual substance that remains in the system and can accumulate, ferment and eventually cause disease. There are numerous symptoms of too much ama. You may experience—poor appetite, indigestion and bowel problems, bloating; allergic reactions (asthma, hives, psoriasis and eczema); mental and physical fatigue, sleepiness and heaviness after eating; bad breath and body odor, lethargy and depression; low enthusiasm and motivation; waking up tired, even after a good night’s sleep; white/cream coating on the tongue, particularly noticeable in the morning; aches and pains; headaches and migraine; recurrent infections; congestion causing constipation.
On days you feel you need more support, prepare the following tridoshic herbal tea: Prepare ¾ of a teaspoon of an equal proportion of cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds. Steep in 1.5 litre of water, for 5 to 10 minutes, then remove the seeds, sip throughout the morning and/or afternoon, and enjoy!
The content of this article is part of the Ayurveda: From Theory to Daily Practice course I offer twice a year through the Semperviva College. The next course is October 1st to 5th. It is designed for all! You can also contact me directly to make an appointment for a private consultation (Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, or on Skype).
Skill in Action through Meditation
Deep Meditation brings a quality of rest that allows us to act from a state of harmony and fullness. It is like pressing a reset button, which allows us to reboot our inner computer. Each time we come back, we have the appropriate skills needed to perform and enjoy life more fully.
One of the teachings I received from my meditation instructor when I began my practice 25 years ago comes from the Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the epic Mahabharata. It takes the form of a dialogue between prince Arjuna, the great archer, and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna, who represents the highest ideals. Driving their chariot into battle to fight their deceitful cousins, who had taken control of the kingdom through trickery, Arjuna pauses, suddenly conflicted about killing his cousins. He knows that if his cousins become rulers, the people will suffer for generations… he has to stop them for the greater good. But to do so, he must go into battle and kill his family, cousins he grew up playing as a child!
In chapter 2, verses 42-48 of the Gita, conflicted, Arjuna asked Krishna for advice. Krishna simply said, “Yogastah Kuru Karmani,” which means “First establish being in yourself and then, and only then, perform action.” My personal translation for this verse comes from the experience of my sitting practice: “Find peace within, inner silence, and from there – act; be the main character of your life story.”
What this means is that we cannot take action upon either our thoughts (ideas of right or wrong) or our feelings (judgments based on emotion). We must act from that place of being – deep silence and knowing – where there is no “this or that”, no “should or shouldn’t”.
Once we are able to remove ourselves from our mind and emotions and establish ourselves in being, we are able to act and perform the action without attachment. These actions ultimately bring balance back to our lives.
The regular practice of Deep Meditation I sit with and teach has given me this experience of inner calm. From this state naturally and spontaneously comes the ability to act clearly, without being distracted by thoughts and emotions. That doesn’t mean I am not emotional or that I am free of so-called ‘’negative’’ thoughts, it means that I can more easily follow my intuition and feel in harmony within myself and with the environment in which I live. I gain this harmony by making decisions that enhance the quality of my life. These decisions might have to do with maintaining and supporting health, material acquisitions, gaining knowledge, participating in my community, or almost anything. All these questions are investigated through the lens of inner harmony.
We all need rest, stillness, and an experience of calm and stability on a daily basis. My invitation to you, through this teaching, is to give yourself one or two short breaks per day to cultivate peacefulness, deep rest, to replenish with calm energy and then, only then, accomplish your tasks and realize all your projects and dreams.
Ayurveda: a personalized medicine
One of the aspects of modern western medicine is that it targets therapy to a broad patient population with a “one drug fits all” approach. However, in earlier medical practice the importance of personalized medicine was well known and this term has been rising in usage in recent years.
Personalized medicine, or individualized medicine, is defined as medical care for each patient’s unique condition and has its roots in the understanding of diseases that date back to 1500 B.C. Ayurveda, the traditional system of Indian medicine, has a well-defined system of constitutional types used in prescribing medicine, bearing a resemblance to personalized medicine. A natural health care system, Ayurveda emphasizes the treatment of disease in a highly individualized manner, as it believes that every individual has a unique constitution. Ayurveda classifies all individuals into different prakriti types based on the theory of tridosha and each type has varying degree of predisposition to different diseases. The Sanskrit word prakriti refers to your individual constitution, at both physical and psychological levels. Tridosha theory is the central concept that health exists when there is a balance between the three fundamental bodily humors or doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
In the West, the tailoring of treatment to patients dates back at least to the time of Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, who once said “It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has”. He evaluated factors like person’s constitution, age, and physique in deciding what treatment to prescribe. One interesting fact is that, upon the discovery of the molecular basis of hereditary diseases beginning in the early 20th century, modern version of an ancient tradition have been revived. In the 21st century, personalized medicine is back in vogue in the West, and Ayurveda is also generating increasing interest.
Ayurveda not only offers personalized treatment but also personalized nutrition and lifestyle advice suited to an individual’s prakriti, making it a holistic science. These attributes of Ayurveda can play a major role in disease prevention and promotion of health, leading towards longevity with a better quality of life.
If you are interested to learn the basis of Ayurveda, discern and put to practise some of the most appropriate and effective health and wellness strategies for yourself, consider attending the Ayurveda: From Theory to Daily Practise course. After completion, you will be equipped to understand more fully your unique constitution and, perhaps, even start helping the ones around you.
A study in science recognizes the relaxing power of the mantra

The style of meditation I teach is a mantra-based meditation. A mantra is a sound, or a vibration. In Sanskrit ‘manas’ means mind, and ‘tra’ means instrument, or tool. Mantra translates to ‘instrument of thought’. A mantra is part of the technique used in Deep Meditation I have been teaching since 2005 on a one-on-one basis, or to small groups. This individual instruction provides students with independence within their practice. The practice is very portable and follows you anywhere you go; you do not need to belong to a group or any institution. Among its many benefits, mantra-based meditation helps those who practise it to be calm, cultivate well-being, and gradually become self-reliant.
I started my own daily practise of this traditional type of meditation more than 25 years ago. It was easy to learn, natural to practise, and brought me rewards right from the beginning. During a mantra-based meditation like Deep Meditation, the meditator uses a mantra in a simple act of repetitive silent speech to help exert calm, or mental quiescence, without the need for intense concentrative efforts. Today, I would like to share with you a recent study about the efficiency of mantra repetition and its calming effect on the brain.
In a study published in 2015 in the Brain and Behavior, a scientific journal, scientists observed that repetitive speech, even in untrained subjects, elicits widespread deactivation or reduction in cortical activity. These regions of the brain include the thought-related Default Mode Network (DMN), which relates to a variety of self-related processes, such as predicting and planning the future, mind wandering, and stimulus-independent thought. Also, these functions have been linked to emotional stress. This study suggests a neurophysiological explanation that accounts for the relaxing power of mantra recitation, and shows that repetitive speech has a readily observable functional MRI (fMRI) signature, hence a significant reduction in thought-related cognitive processes. It is with great joy that I read this article last week because it confirms what my teachers and many years of tradition have taught us. If you are interested in reading all the details about this study, here it is.
In Deep Meditation training you will receive a tool, a mantra, to help you meditate effortlessly. From your first meditation experience you will spontaneously experience calmness, inner silence, or stillness of the mind. It is natural for your mind to rest and mantra-based meditation is a technique that allows this to happen. Such experiences are also called ‘yoga’, another Sanskrit word that translates to union, or connection, or if you prefer a state of unity within. Mantra-based meditation is a tool to experience the calm within. It is simple, natural, non-religious, and available to you.
Once a month, or as needed, I offer an introduction to Deep Meditation that you can attend for free. In this session you can ask all your questions and learn more about all the benefits of this deep meditation practice.
À votre service!
Treating the body as whole, rather than fixing the parts
According to Ayurveda, health issues develop when one part of the body forgets its role as part of the whole. When someone goes for an Ayurvedic consultation, the practitioner spends at least an hour with the patient in order to get to know her well. Then a plan is developed that treats the whole person, rather than only the specific problem. In my own practice I prefer to take about 90 minutes during the first consultation, and then 60 minutes for the follow-ups to really know the client.
In the West, the concept of treating the whole person is becoming more common, and there is a great need for more research into simpler ways of treating disease and problems that doesn’t involve expensive and sometimes radical diagnosis and treatment. Despite this, it is still true that a diagnosis using Western medicine is, so far, the most accurate in the world, as are the treatment plans often offered. For example, if you have heart disease, knowing exactly what is wrong with the heart can be life saving. Diagnosing an arthritic hip and replacing it can add quality years to one’s life. As a culture, we would be in trouble without this Western wisdom to diagnose problems with our parts and treat them. But Western medicine still has work to do regarding treating the whole person, rather than just the parts.
Ayurvedic medicine, on the other hand, offers help in placing our attention not only on the parts that may be causing us problems but also on the role that these parts play in the whole picture. Sometimes these parts have become isolated from the whole and have lost their ability to function properly. Healing the cause of the broken parts by addressing the whole is a major strategy used in Ayurveda. For example, we all know that stress affects our digestive system as well as our mind, our mood, and even our cognitive abilities. These individual parts can perform poorly due to systemic problems of the whole, such as failure to assimilate nutrients, or a failure to properly detoxify and remove of wastes, or by malfunctions in immune system. A dysfunction in any of these three areas can cause innumerable problems, concerns and disease. These are major areas that Ayurveda addresses.
To begin to strengthen your whole body, or to simply learn more about how Ayurveda can help you, I invite you to book a consultation. Another option is to enroll in my course called Ayurveda: From Theory to Daily Practise.
The counselling I offer examines both your daily diet and lifestyle. It can be done in the comfort of my home/office or by a Skype call. The approach is holistic and gradual. Depending on your needs, I will recommend a plan that will guide you towards achieving your goals, one step at a time and at your own rhythm.
The course is for those new to Ayurveda and is designed for everyone. It presents the history and philosophy as well as the fascinating principles of Ayurveda through the 5 elements, the cycles of life, and the 3 doshas. You will learn how to assess your own birth constitution as well as your imbalances. You will also start to integrate and become balanced by learning the best diet for your constitution. In addition, you will be introduced to other therapies like dinacharya, pranayama, asanas, and meditation, which form part of a daily routine.
Let me be part of the expansion of your life quality through the wisdom and such a holistic medicine.
À votre santé!
Boost your Energy with a Spring Cleanse

Now is a great time to consider doing a simple Ayurvedic Cleanse, one of the best ways to protect your health and your wellbeing for the coming months and beyond.
An Ayurvedic cleanse supports the elimination of toxins from the body, increases energy and vitality, supports healthy weight management, relaxes the nervous system and calms the mind, helps to reestablish one’s natural state of balance, and promotes optimal health and wellbeing.
When gentle spring breezes start to blow, it’s time for spring cleaning — not only for your house but for your body too. Toxins tend to accumulate all year round, due to improper digestion and high levels of stress. Not to mention the chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the foods we eat. According to Ayurveda, toxic build-up can eventually manifest as a health disorder. And as we grow older, the body’s mechanisms for eliminating impurities tend to be less efficient, making it even more important to cleanse regularly.
This is especially important in the months of March and April. Why? When warmer spring temperatures melt the snow, impurities within your body also start to liquefy, flooding the microcirculatory channels that carry nutrients to the cells and waste away from the cells. When these essential channels get clogged, it can leave you feeling tired, sluggish, and toxic. A spring detox may be just what you need to feel fresh and energetic again.
The type of cleanse that I favor both for myself and my clients, which I recommend strongly, involves three phases: preparation, active cleansing and reintroduction. This structure helps to ease the body both in and out of it and takes up to nine days. The diet consists primarily of kitcheri and vegetables and is supported by detoxifying herbs. During the first phase of the process ghee is part of the diet in order to help pull fat-soluble toxins out of the cells. The whole process is done with ease, even if you are working, and can also be complemented by practices like self-massage with oil, as well as gentle sweating through exercises to help release imbalances held in the tissues in order to get optimal results.
Doing a cleanse gives the physiology a chance to detox, repair, and rejuvenate the tissues while rekindling the digestive fire throughout the body. There are many options when it comes to cleansing. The good news is I can help you with a complete plan for cleansing at home. Join my upcoming training AYURVEDA: FROM THEORY TO DAILY PRACTICE WITH NATHALIE KEILLER APR 17 – 21 as the Ayurvedic cleanse is an important part of it, or simply contact me for a personal consultation and I will customize the process for you and guide you through it.
This Winter Keep your Vata Happy
This winter in British Colombia resembles more like the rest of Canada. It is colder and dryer than usual, hence the importance of keeping yourself warm in order to enjoy it fully. Winter is actually the season when the digestive fire is strongest. The body requires more fuel to stay warm and healthy in the winter months, and the cold weather forces the fire principle deep into the core of the body—igniting the digestive capacity. Our bodies therefore crave a more substantial, nutritive diet at this time of year, and you will likely find yourself needing larger quantities of food.
In general, you’ll want to focus on eating warm, cooked, unctuous, slightly oily, and well spiced foods. Drink room temperature, warm, or hot beverages and avoid smoothies, or chilled drinks. You can increase heat and circulation while encouraging clean and clear respiratory passages (in case of flu or nasal congestion) by drinking a tea boiled for five minutes with ½ teaspoon each ginger root, cinnamon, and clove. Also, teas made with combinations of coriander seeds, cumin seeds and fennel seeds encourage strong digestion and can be taken after meals. Hearty, heating vegetables like radishes, cooked spinach, onions, carrots, and other root vegetables are generally well received this time of year, as are hot spices like garlic, ginger, and black pepper. Cooked grains like oatmeal, barley, brown rice, or kitcheri make a perfect winter breakfast, and lunches and dinners of steamed vegetables, whole wheat breads, and mushy soups and stews are ideal. Legumes should be well cooked, well spiced, and garnished with a dollop of ghee so as not to aggravate vata. If you eat them, winter is also a great time to enjoy eggs (especially poached or hard-boiled) and meats like chicken, turkey, rabbit, and venison. And while dairy is best reduced in the winter months, a cup of warm/hot, spiced milk with a pinch of turmeric, nutmeg, and cardamom before bed can help to encourage sound sleep.
This article is an excerpt from the chapter on “Food as therapy, and improving your digestive fire (agni)” in my Ayurvedic Training: From Theory to Daily Practice. Visit this page for more info and to register to this course from April 17th to 21st 2017.
Here’s my favorite oatmeal recipe to start the day making Vata dosha happy.